Power Pop Stew
About Power Pop Stew
Howard's Power Pop Stew streams here daily 24/7
and every Saturday, Tuesday & Thursday at 9 P.M. Eastern Time
on www.WROMradio.net.
Each hour-long show is produced and hosted each week by
Howard Byrne in Traverse City, Michigan, U.S.A.
Power Pop Stew is dedicated to the free promotion of some of
the best indie and unsigned power pop artists.
Go to the Power Pop Stew Playlist Forum page for artist links,
videos & more. Support the bands you love!
and every Saturday, Tuesday & Thursday at 9 P.M. Eastern Time
on www.WROMradio.net.
Each hour-long show is produced and hosted each week by
Howard Byrne in Traverse City, Michigan, U.S.A.
Power Pop Stew is dedicated to the free promotion of some of
the best indie and unsigned power pop artists.
Go to the Power Pop Stew Playlist Forum page for artist links,
videos & more. Support the bands you love!